“I wanted to share an art piece we were fortunate enough to have Joseph paint for us in April 1988. We call it Moon Dancing. It is special to us. I've always been grateful for this art in my home. It is many different people dancing joyfully. We had certain dimensions for the art and it took between "2 weeks to 4 months" to be completed. My sincere thank you to you Mr. Joseph.”
“I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Delegates!! The place I originally thought would fit, but the paintings are so bold and spectacular that they are bigger than the size of their canvas, if that makes sense. Last night we came up with the perfect place for them.”
“I inherited a painting from my mom when she passed away that she bought from the Festival of the Masters back in 1987. The original painting is Sextet. I remember her saying that it won first place in at the festival.”
“When I met Joe, he invited me to his studio and I fell in love with the colors, so I told him to paint me a Mexican clothesline and I'm happy to share this marvelous work of art with you. Thanks Jose."
“What I love from Joseph 's art are his live colors!”
I LOVE his work. It feels like joy!